Flora Fauna Flora Fauna Double time, Go! Flora, Fauna Shh (Fauna) Piranha (Flora) Bannana (Fauna) Iguana (Flora) Botanical (Fauna) An animal Come on and explore about the differences between Fauna and Flora Flora, like grass on a lawn Fauna, like a bass or a prawn Flora, a grape for a grappa, and a florida orange for a Tropicana Rabbits have got a coat of angora, so do Goats they're not the dang flora Rabbits and Goats are hairy fauna, Flora is more like terragon or marijuana Faunas, Floras The former's more like a Brontosaurus The latter's more like Pomadoras, (Tomatoes in Italian) Flora's filled with chlorophyll Fauna that is Flora filled is Herbivorious, or it Omni- Meaning it eats both Flora and Fauna Flora Fauna Flora Fauna Double time, Now! Flora, Fauna Double time, Again! FloraFauna I got her warmer than a sauna, for the Flora and Fauna Sorry guys, this ones for the Senoras, Cause I'm the Don Juan of the Fauna and Flora Laura, Dora, Nora, Kiyana All the ladies love my Flora and Fauna Shana, Brianna, Dona, Pandora Open up your box for the Fauna and Flora