Now you know that judo is Japanese And they got karate too And Thailand has muay thai And China has kung fu And they do capoeira in Rio de Janeiro And Korea has the tae kwon do But did you know that Israel Has a martial art also? Well it's called Krav maga Krav maga It's not Greek like baklava It's Israeli - ooh Like falafel - ah Krav maga Billy was a bully And Victor was his victim And every day on the way to class Billy punched and kicked him And this was not junior high This was Harvard Law So Victor said, "I'm too old for this!" And he went and learned krav maga The next time they crossed paths It was quite a different picture Because this time Victor fought back And Victor was the victor And he took Billy's head Stuck it in the lavaratoire And he went, flush Billy, now you know You don't mess with krav maga That Billy Was burly But still he got a swirly Because Victor took him out Like he was just a little - weakling I won't rhyme "girly" there That's one we all foresaw And unpredictability Is part of kraaaav... Mizza-mizza-mizza-mizza Miriam and Rebecca were chillin' By the bagel store When up came this tough dame They'd never seen before And she pulled a gun and said "Gimme those wallets! Now! Mwah ha ha!" She didn't know that our friend Rebecca Was trained in krav maga The fight lasted less than a minute And not only did Rebecca win it But she kicked that ass so hard She literally left a bootprint in it And Miriam looked at the outlined foot And she made a face like "What?" And she said, "Krav, ma, ga, Becky, Look at her butt." Ho! Ha ha, yeah That's krav maga Oh m'gah, oh m'gah Oh m'gah, that's krav maga I said oh ma gah that's krav maga Hardcore like Quick Draw McGraw From the folks who brought you the yarmulke That's krav maga. Shalom.