What if I told you hope was the key Would you believe me Well you should Because hope is not only the key, it's the major key See what I did there Nah, but for real Contrary to popular belief Hope isn't pretending your current struggle ain't real It's actually a brave champion mindset and posture to take in the midst of it all Storm or sunshine I've said it before and I'll say it again Hope is not the denial of reality It's the commitment to believe greater is on the other side of it So you can either choose To be dragged along by the hardship of your current circumstances Into things finally working out Or you can commit your mind to knowing That if you simply get through this You'll eventually walk into all things being well in due season Brighter days are coming and there's light at the end of this tunnel Rev. Jessie Jackson's been saying it for years Keep hope alive And beautiful people That right there is the major key Hope It's a powerful thing