Take a look into the sky and tell me what it is that you see I see millions and billions of tiny stars shining light down on to you and me Have you ever just sat and wondered if theres life in other Galaxies If you have, just take a seat and relax cuz son therell be not more uncertainty Will they be green or gray or yellow or black And have two legs on which they stand on Will they slither around like a funky lizard and have tongues that only stick out Will they read our minds like open books and tell us that were primitive Or will they swarm down on us like insects like in this summers latest blockbuster Our government continues to tell us lies about who our closest neighbors are They cover up, smother up, distort and distract any proof of recent contact Its all a lie, were not alone, we never have been, we never will be So turn off the boob tube and put on a groovy tune and keep an extra eye out for ET