You are beautiful Every curve and intricate detail is crafted in a delicate mold. Form the softest touch of your skin To the warmth of your gentle heart you are truly beautiful. You were uniquely made So stop judging yourself based off of other girls looks. Wake up and open your eyes for your Emotional insecurities will be the end of you. You will let those negative thoughts in your head Fuel your actions and dictate how your life is lead. Founded on lies upon lies of how You think the world will view yourself. The more see the more you think the more you find. That you believe your self-worth is based off of. The attention that you get from the people in the world around you. But that leaves your self-confidence lacking. With those painful emotions running away with you But how can anyone like you if you can't even like yourself? So you look for attention in all the wrong ways. Wanting love but lust is all you'll find. So what reaction do you expect to get from your lack of modesty? Disrespect yourself and disrespect is all you'll see from men. You are precious in the eyes of God You were never met to be the object of lust. You are precious in the eyes of God You were never met to be the objects of lust. Please know that those insecurities are nothing but lies. They come in many forms and they'll lead you to Believe you're not good enough to have a happy life. Don't give in to lies! Don't put so much weight on seeking after relationships. I charge you O' daughters of Jerusalem. By the gazelles or by the does of the field. Do not stir up nor awaken love until it so pleases.