I am hunting darkwraiths because that is what I swore to do My sword is hungering for all of them to bite into I will not fail I cannot fail Sent by my lord Gwyn to cleanse the land Of abominations I cannot fail Crimson taints my blade as one by one they fall down to my feet But i will never stop until my oath will be fulfilled I will never lose I am one of four knights My target in sight And if it is demanded I will gladly give my life For lord Gwyn I strive Great power inside And if it is demanded I will die Known to all The knight of wolves: Artorias Walk the abyss Until you emerge victorious Still for my lord I strive Pride swelling inside And if it is demanded I will gladly give my life Countless foes lie dead Still more are up ahead And if it is demanded I die No matter how much blood is spilled there will always be more fiends Clawing, Biting, hacking, they will try to kill me ceaselessly I will not fail I cannot fail Slowly I am starting to suspect that there's no end to my quest I cannot fail Known to all The knight of wolves: Artorias Walk the abyss Until you emerge victorious I have failed you my lord The dark is reaching out for me I don't think I will sustain Oh, it's the abyss Claiming my soul Turning my senses all on their own A downward spiral I don't know what's real and what's not With a last effort I'm using my shield To protect my companion Sif's the only friend to me My mind is slipping But i have to make sure I have to make sure He must survive Through my own sacrifice That is the only wish that I need granted Run My one true friend Run to live for both of us Let my sacrifice Make sure of your survival As my resolve is slowly growing thin Darkness is coming to claim me from within Known to all The knight of wolves: Artorias Walk the abyss Until you emerge victorious