Hidden from the talons of madness The knowledge of which none speak Laying buried beneath her caves Below exalted misted peaks The mineral hold Of stalagmite and vine Long since kept in crisp darkness A stasis of warm dream woven delight The light of an eternal flame Resting silently above her Wheels within wheels The real flower of life Was revealed Bedded in wild amethyst She sought refuge abroad A phantom perched in stillness Held by the web of Aetherion As the waves of cosmos she rode The flame danced ethereal At one yet infinite Pitched to the pulse Upon the walls A static flow Her return Of ages Beyond time Outside the chains That sought to banish Her face Before these suns can rise Before the rising tides He must awaken inside That which is timeless Beyond conception Change will sweep barren into An open invitation For a lush new energy A brisk vibration Shall be the prism The first spark of the new golden dawn Piercing through the hollow of this deadlong night The anima will rise