Rooted deep within my psyche dwells another being Incurable and unrepentant in its isolation Kill me now before I kill another motherfucker dead Disconnected socially - Abnormal genetic psychopathy Cold-blooded homicidal fixation At home they know not of what I have become Driven to kill by predation Schizophrenic profanation Motivated simply by self-gratification My grisly practices remain undetected Death by torture my only salvation To slowly die in pain must be the greatest gift of all False perception through psychosis There are many more like me - Products of society Hiding in plain sight as we walk among you We are your sons, brothers, husbands, friends and fathers Ordinary men by day - Concealing offal secrets Meticulously devising plans to murder Littering the woods and riversides with human detritus Homicidal ideation - Abductions through seduction Gashes to ashes, dust to fucking dust Dumping bodies one by one The stench of death permeates the air we breathe Strangulations and dismemberments Eternal mask of sanity