Beyond the Stage where we all meet, The Mirages of Children Kings, Sin Omnium breeds Reveries: All must be dead, The Windmen's lurid Masks & hellish Laughters. Greed Generation Zero, Wheels in the World Machine, Child Emperors 2000 countlessly march to the Katalypse. When Suicide turns Shots & Showers golden in Siren Seas And swallowing until we sleep - Strangulation Alpha With thirteen Wounds in every Hand We creep the Circles for our Lord, A burning Star for each to gnaw, All must be dead Except the Forests of the strangled Necks. And through Year-Millions we stray Million Manias, A Cannibal-Lighthouse was built of our Nights. And it drags us towards sweet Assnakements Through deep Gullet-Tunnels with Dark on each Side. Fornever will a Word lament, Nor any Deeds our Feelings show, Since somewhen Times are sure to come When all is dead, In all Directions throttled to the Ground.