Thank you very much I would like to take a moment to welcome you and thank you For coming out, it's very gratifying to see you there Before we take a brief respire To have a little taste to come back for the next set We'd like to, like to have you meet the guys in the band On piano, Mark Levine ♪ On bass, the swinging John Heard ♪ On drums, the guy that just came Came out in California to be the death of The Big Apple And he came into another death trap, Los Angeles Wait, but I love it anyway, Lew Malin on drums And on tenor saxophone, a person who I played with years and years ago I haven't seen since then, I think it was 1957 or something When he made an album called 'The Way It Was' It ju- it was just released, and the first time we've met In how many years? That's been about almost, let me see, '57? It's been 17 years or something like that It shows you what kind of a scuffling world it is, man When you live, uh, in the same city And you don't see anybody for 17 years That shows you where it's at, man And tonight, I'd like to have you meet Warne Marsh on tenor (yeah!) Yeah