Close your eyes And settle into a comfortable space Breathing deeply and softly Let your breath become like a flower Present with the moment in time Vibrating softly Breathing in the fresh air And rooting yourself down into the earth Spend some time here Now I want you to imagine yourself Somewhere where you feel completely safe in the nighttime And once you find that comfortable space I want you to imagine The most expansive sky of stars open up in front of you The fragrance of night flowers Like jasmine and lotus fill the air around you And you are taken aback by the immense beauty of the cosmos And the endless amount of stars Sometimes shooting ones That flicker in front of your mind's eye And as you stare into the cosmos I want you to focus your attention on one star This star was meant to guide you And provide you with messages from higher dimensions And as you focus in on the star and its light Start to breathe in deeply Inhaling its light Let that light flow deep into your belly And as you breathe out, gently blow out that light And start to create a protective force field around you From all the suffering in this reality Sit here and breathe in that light from the star Concentrating on its unearthly and magical energy And breathing out that light To create this protective auric field around yourself So that your whole body is bathing And safe in this bubble filled with energy from the universe Settle into your protective field of light In this space, you are unconditionally loved You are beautiful You are the manifestations of your desires You are powerful You are full of love for yourself and all other humans You are healing You are calm You filled with joy And breathe out and let go of any negative energy That may not be serving you at this time Let go of the doubt, of the hurt Of the suffering that is yours or may belong to other people And let all the negativity Sink into Mother Earth to be regenerated into light If you find any of this negative energy coming back Imagine that this protective field of light around you Is gently bouncing all of that off So that what remains inside your aura is pure love Sit here breathing in and out Filling this unconditional love swimming around you Feel this light traveling throughout your body Cleansing you of any pain And repeat to yourself that you Are love You are powerful You are made from the same divine energy of the universe You are the manifestations of your desires You are peace Gently move your body, bringing awareness back into your earthly self Thank yourself for recognizing your divinity today As you gently come back into this dimension Remember that this space of unconditional loving And protective field of light is always here for you to return to