Tryna stabbing my heart so bad But why you keeping my heart's codec Transcode it for what you get and Lemme know why would you be like that Tryna stabbing my heart so bad But why you keeping my heart's codec Transcode it for what you get and Lemme know why would you be like that 每日 諗住pickup我知我仲未wake up 跌落深淵以後先醒覺我仲未訓醒 有啲野要即刻 要一口氣做其實 好似demo未去寫拖得耐開始唔會記得 個vibe係點樣 個timing 結霜 我太過懶散諗啲嘢太過簡單 嘥晒啲時間 去戒曬壞習慣 我太過爛玩唔想靠藥物支撐 我嗌過救命但最後幫到我嘅好似得我一個 個世界太過黑暗靠輔助快樂嘅唔係淨係得我 Tryna stabbing my heart so bad But why you keeping my heart's codec Transcode it for what you get and Lemme know why would you be like that I trapped in the city and my passion got stolen So please forgive me I'm sure not the chosen Just let me go, just let me go 好多野做 思念到老