If in the beginning was the word, Why can't I see anything but animals? I've seen enough of this world, Must we squeal or must we growl? Must we squeal or must we growl? Behind the fur and feathers hide some dangerous beasts, That will kill and betray for a role in life's senseless play. Forget your faith, snakes all eat apples, pretend to be Eve. We ain't a specie we are a fucking plague Capital has lead to insanity, we're the eighth sin. Cash flows in our veins, we are the eighth sin. Scam and scam again until lions become hyenas. Who wants to wear the crown when shylocks reign us. When shylocks reign on us And even you artists of the world, you've sold your marginality. You've turned the pleasure of rebellion in a marketing strategy. Here you are puffing around, feeding the bovine majority, As the soldiers of this industry.