I don't know those eyes But I can see myself In every piece of you Like a mirror that reflects A thousand forms of me Fragments of myself You are as I am you ♪ This truth of oneness Woven the web of life Countless strands All linked threads Pulsating vessel full of light Branches of the same tree Outreaching from the roots of love Your life goes through me I feel as I am you Breathe all that is Exhale what you think You are one with all ♪ I embrace my reflection ♪ A bond of love Every tear the world has cried Fills my eyes And my heart Leave your soul in my hands And we'll be at home We are one below this vault Living life Unaware of the hidden truth Just an observer, a brief piece of time In a universal, infinite, living mind I can recognise myself By looking through your eyes ♪ Breathe all that is Exhale what you think You are one with me Leave your soul in my hands ♪ There's no way to separate I can feel my other self in you Part of all this cell You are me, I am you