Unabel am I, My words in murdermouth. In the bell of throat a mark is jarr'd. To err is human I am the king of men. Master of collusions in The first three ticks of Time. Pixels of my skin in the sun. A palimpsest limp Under layers of lacquer. Forshaken, The quavering crotchets of my stave. Sage and sinnerman: "You oughta be preyin'" Master of collusions in The first three ticks of Time. The knife in my back Is a key winding down. Skin thin as biblepage. Heals in the tug, so tired. Weight for the wave, tsun on me: My era of errors erased. My frozen kneecaps Melt and flood the seize, An overtaxed levee. The pie-eyed piper Trailing shamblin' children. Mice-ash and raw ones, Foreshaken, Chilled, ring my heart. All kneel, elated. Annihilated. Psoriastasis. My skin in the wind Sloughs off in sheets. A palimpsest limp. Pixels of my skin in the sun. Skin thin as biblepage.