Sunrise up, the Muezzin call Some to prayer and some to toil Some fight for love and some for gold In Córdoba our story's told Round valleys ringed by mountains bare In fig and lemon scented air There winds al-wādī al-kabīr That now we call Guadalquivir Here's Judith on the road With fresh fruit from the groves Where all prayers are granted under arches Horseshoe and arabesque She walks along the mountain pass Where Berber soldiers block the path They greet, "As-salamu alaikum" She peels an orange just for him And in his mouth the nectar sings For now this gift her fortune brings But gone the old ways that she knows The mournful call of exile blows Here's Judith on the road Her story left untold Her tender smile was perfume to the sunlight A ghazal of snow white rose ♪ Praise be to the sky, spread out like a bed Blessed all who love and lovers all blessed Lapis Indigo and Sapphires blue People of the book, Al Andaluz So the books decreed Hope must sow its seed That saplings and their roots Grow and bear their fruit of divine sweetness To feed us in our weakness now Nine hundred ninety years old Judith and the orange grove told