My life was disco Now it's a discount A shopping mall of lust I'm a salesman getting lost in my own supermarket I've stolen my own credit card and passed my own date of expiration I hate this place where everything is always new but everything is always cheap I'm blinded by the crystal white neon While I'm slowly drowning in my river of liquor Where the blonds buy black and the blacks buy blonde Looking like a shopper feeling like a gun Where I met my baby where I lost my baby Where I feel like an ex man Type ex ex type Say goodbye to yourself take off your shoe laces take off your belt Drive your car off the bridge Burn your ID your driving license and crash your mobile Lobotomy your anthology call your sister and say goodbye Forget where you live drop your keys put on a different tie Take the first exit and save yourself with a blackout Block all your accounts cease to be the one you are 7 suckers for 11 brides cause now you're only an ex man Type ex ex type You're an ex man Type ex ex type Looking like a shopper feeling like a gun Forget who you are you're an ex man Type ex ex type