Rot! Grime! Angst and blight! The crepuscular horizon reveals a lurid penumbra! Trapped inside a spiral of an endless consternation Can't tell up from down or even feel a sturdy ground Just a neverending disarray, can't avoid going astray Life a fly in a flushing toilet Surely seems the end has come At last, clarity arrives The awakening comes as a freezing wind Comprehension is washing out the murkiness All along, the rules were not of slavery Seeing the paths and trails now and where they lead Both abyss and light, becomes so visible and clear Seeing the wicked trap that led his life astray A bitter wrath starts building up inside Conceiving the immense and morbid putridness The endless tunnel has a shimmering light in the end But the way is long and excruciating "That rotten filthy beast, such a foul deceiver!" "I will despise and curse it, until the very end!" "This one shall surely never see the light" "What a childish and pathetic struggle" "I can see its schemes and ensnaring powers" "But the laughs will come to and end" And so, the batles goes on... After many years with blinding fiends The light feels so sharp, a needle in the eye! And the vexer fights in its endless crooked ways With its traps and vast delusive haze At last it seems the door has been shut The endless tunnel the torment now has past This purifying air revives the newborn one The unfettered life, has just begun! Free! Finally unchained! Free! From the awful misery! A magnificent rebirth and clarity has come! Free from the slavery!