Genocide from the below to heaven total armageddon justified genocide of all The scum which ride the earth. Perversion of all puritans motherfuckers sodomization of the holy whores. Raum, Angel of all extremination bring us the second Hiroshima this time to Unleashed the ultimate super-nova! Twisting turns all over again till nothing remains no more! Genocide of human kind total destruction of all rats genocide unto god eyes. Total annihilation of the white crap weak tormented worms. Feel our concerto into your veins, dance and twist with our razor song feel Our string through you wrist... Hear my voice, the knife which is deeply kissing your throat! GENOCIDE. GENOCIDE. GENOCIDE. More than eleven time satan wont appreciate your existence More than eleven generations will bring gift to your children every every of Them will be gratify of a sharpened toy from the father. After pest and famine will let them discover our dedicated secrets. Feel the knife which is deeply kissing your throat! [LEAD: NORNAGEST NEBIROS] All hope of a new delight have been rid away my stands in the dark in the Night shown me the way in emptiness silence and abscurity. I preveil... [LEAD: NEBIROS] Is it possible that the ultimate genocide has arrived! Ooooohhhh! All I want is to see them DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! [LEAD: NORNAGEST] Feel the knife which is deeply kissing your throat! GENOCIDE, GENOCIDE, GENOCIDE... GENOCIDE.