California It's on the other side of A landmass on this planet But it's a destination And If your tired of The notion of escape As a distant thought That you were stuck in a rut That you were born to regret All I can say is Get the fuck out Because I'm not impressed By the intimidation tactics Of this expansive land Of the vaguely unknown And I'm not impressed Philadelphia Is a city on the Middle eastern side of A landmass on this planet That I'm not too proud of But it's a landmass that I live on And Philadelphia's smoggy skyline Lies above a few good humans Who are not impressed But the blood that goes into the building That doesn't belong to the architect And I'm not impressed When they turn their guns to Oakland I'll be underneath the sea In the city of Atlantis And I will dare them come and look for me For when the protest song is outlawed Then the dwellers of the city's outties Will not meet the fate of the city targets Who never even thought to get so far As California California Its on the other side of A landmass On this planet But it's a destination