Alright. Cover bands are just like girls that go down on the first date... It seems pretty cool at the time, but it lowers the bar for all the others in line, they all pressured to be like that girl, just like I get pressured to play brown eyed girl. When it all comes down to it: Cover bands suck dick. Whho ohh, now Maggy Speaks is a band from Chicargo and they're talented. But to me it seems just a shame, that other people's music is all that they play, because to waste your talent singing poor some sugar on me, is like Wolfgang Puch cooking Chef-boy-RD. When it all comes down to it: Cover bands suck dick. Who oh oh oh. (Suck that dick, yeah). Now Cat-fight the all female cover band, what about the equasion do you not understand? You look good, you can play, you can write if ya' wanna, don't even need good songs just look at Madonna! Yeah! (SUCKS DICK TOO). Now Elevation is a You Tube tribute and man do they suck, but they make more money than me, that's what pisses me off so much! Now don't get me wrong, I've played a few covers, but so did the beatles you hack motherfuckers! When it all comes down to it: Cover bands suck dick. WHOOO YEAH. Thanks for reeding pls lick and subscrumble