課鐘已響 賽跑已開 老師母親說 請交功課 記得上心算 單桿 德語 開腦緊要 不用娛樂 要三歲經已學懂 如何成功 如何力爭上游 要七歲學懂弄權是非 可以突顯優秀 要稱上絕頂便能幸福 這算人生所有 要聽教 要聽教 Let go, let go, let go, let go of him Let go, let go, let go, let go of her Let go, let go, let go, let go the kids Monster, Monster is coming to town 你聽教聽了 千百多遍 交也交了很多功課 你歡笑不要 響往不要 該勝出卻依舊無助 你怎會沒能絕頂 沒能幸福 沒能獲得所有 你撐過絕境 服從上級 該作後起之秀 你得到學識 便能成功 給予世間所有 你堅壯 像怪獸 Let go, let go, let go, let go of him Let go, let go, let go, let go of her Let go, let go, let go, let go of us Monster, monster is coming to town You say, you say, you say that's bad Too late, too late, too late, you made us We don't need no need no this (Beep*) Come on Come on Monster we are