Done with walking days, I would rather be on the couch watching TV Twenty in a row, drying out chillies I recall when you were a teenager I wanted to be just like you Play guitar and sing along and run the school Now you're turning twenty-seven And I don't know you anymore I'm at a loss at what happens in this world It is a cruel sensation, remembering I am human And I'm prone to accidents of heart I regret sending you that email where I said wanted to kill you When what I mean is that long to feel You are still someone that I know well like I used to It is painful to age And I'm watching Leon tell me he is suffering too At your hands gladly slipping away He says he is at a loss, he never knew this cruelty existed And he lost his country, And he knows what it means to fear for your life And he's never known cruelty like this, he wonders is it pathological Have I asked a psychiatrist what might be wrong with you And I have and we don't know Maybe it's something to do with your personality And I fear I've always known it Somewhere deep inside There was no trusting you And Leon told me Niko threw you out of a pushchair Intentionally to display his manliness And you hit your head on the concrete and cried And Leon stood there amazed What to do? What, to take you away as a toddler? He said there's no way to blame him, Niko's also bruised, He didn't know how to share my mother's love for you So, that brings me back to toxic masculinity And I don't like to label everyone, but it seems to run in my family With pride and rage and dignity I'm sorry I'm angry, too I told you I wanted to kill you But, I'm only afraid