You cannot spend You cannot spend your life on a day They want to know if you're alright The truth is in The truth is in the song but, hey It shines in many different lights ♪ There was a girl There was a girl that could save me We used to dance so long ago I wish her all I wish her all the best, you see I'd like to see her before I go But I can't stand But I can't stand this pressing wait This urgency is going to be my end I need to I need to get out, seal my fate This carelessness is what scares your friends Scares your friends ♪ You cannot spend your life on a day They want to know if you're alright The truth is in the song but, hey It shines in many different lights But I can't stand But I can't stand this pressing wait This urgency is going to be my end I need to I need to get out, seal my fate This carelessness is what scares your friends Scares your friends