This is the end of me This is the end of history I'll find another place to be Fishnets, makeup, lipstick Black flag, music, citizenship I'm up to anything I'll put myself in orbit To be the red star that will shine Forever upon those who dare to try Dreamless state of apathy I'll bring a long gone taste of ectasy For you to remember what you're fighting for This is the end of me This is the end of me This is the end for me This is the end of our misery I'll find myself a way to live Movement, street and action Movies, youth and affection I'm up to anything Fishnets, makeup, lipstick Red flag, riot and unity I'm playing with everything I'll put myself in orbit To be the red star that will shine Forever upon those who dare to try Dreamless state of apathy I'll bring a long gone taste of ectasy For you to remember what you're fighting for I'll put myself in orbit To be the hope of a better life For the poor souls deceived by lies Urgent need of epiphany I'll bring an immortal dose of my medicine For you to be able to stand on your feet This is the end of me This is the end for me This is the end for me