Gotta tiger by the tail. Gotta ahold on the (skip?). Got the wind in its sails. A lot of folks crowding the well. When the water runs dry, Ain't nobody can tell. It don't bend. Nobody knows what to do. It takes a whole lot of time to fill a dead man's shoes. Lotta people clutchin' the cross. But the father can't save every Soul he's lost. It don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend. No compassion, no sympathy. Not a dime in the desert. Not a cent in the sea. It all comes down to who you are, Either a hole in the pocket or A hand in the jar. It don't bend. Turn around and put your brains on ice. It's a cold way of thinkin', not a hard way to die. Try to take it from what it needs. Try to snatch it from the fingers of the hand that feeds. It don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend. Nobody knows what to do anymore. It's such a hard way to think. They take you apart, Rip out the heart, Stitch it together again. Tell me what is there to win. Raise no money by vile means. It's a hard act to follow. It's a difficulty. From the greatest down to the least, From the past to the present, From the prophet to the preist, It don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend. Big money, big money Don't bend.