Shunned. Forgotten Beaten. Rotten Stitched. Sodden Weakened. Trodden Lost. Alone Demented. Disowned Sentenced. Sewn Disallowed to atone Only the blind will forgive me Wretch that I am, I'll outlive thee Love. Passion Contentment. Attachment Conceit. Camaraderie Comfort in who we are to be Hundreds of things took for granted More than a right, they're expected Dead. Tales. Why I? Monster fables. Resentment. Fear Purpose. Anguish. Company. Man Think. Smile again Judas fell to the darkness of Hell He hurt, regretted in his eternity cell But at least he saw not what he reckoned Nor heard the cries of the damned he had beckoned Victor, I've heard Sits alive and superb Cheering. Smiling Not just living, but whiling While his creature of ire is disregarded But there's no tomb on this Earth capably guarded Dead men tell no tales, so why am I here? A monster fraught from fables in resentment and fear What purpose could such anguish serve in company of man? I don't think I'll ever smile again I will learn (The life which I studied could never have loved me.) I will fight (He can't ignore that which he left sick and bloodied.) And as I yearn (The thing you fear most is not the daemon disdainous.) I'll be right (The thing you fear most is your own baseness.) And so I'll murder, defile All else that is vile Lay waste to all he loves and then set light to the pile If that fool doesn't do as I command him Just one wish is all he's holding me ransom If a man can play God; create life where there's naught Just to steal away to comfort while ignoring what's wrought Then it stands to reason he should pay penance I'll be thrilled to hand down his final sentence He's just a quack, clambering absently Barely past the clasps of insanity Underhandedly handling bias, waxing elegiac about anomie So if that charlatanic blasphemy will not transmute another lass for me As if this charade he calls 'Science' is any more than bastardized alchemy There'll be no suitable weapon he could brandish Land, sea and ice, I will ravage Shunned. Forgotten Beaten. Rotten Stitched. Sodden Obscenely begotten Not even God's light will reach you Yet, wretch that I am, I beseech you Chair underfoot, don't you tempt me You'll find the weight of life awfully heavy