Black people White people Men's team Women's team Coca-Cola Pepsi-Cola Rich people Poor people Funny people Serious people! Easter Bunny What the fuss? Black people White people Kids team Adults team Smokers Non-smokers Sexy people Ugly people Traveling people Indigenous people Bigfoot What the fuss? Black people White people Fossil-fueled vehicles Electric vechicles Plant eaters Meat eaters Civilized people Primitive people Pious people Skeptical people Antarctica What the fuss? Black people White people Good team Bad team! 7-Up Mountain Dew! Happy people! Suicidal people Scandinavian people Caribbean people People who were born to Indonesian single moms in nineteen fifty seven Fifty seven Nineteen fifty-seven! Fifty-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven I returned to the Earth to rebirth the hyperbolic Sewed my con in the tract while you were sitting diastolic Lobachevskian fields betray the inharmonic And Teutonic motivations Of the legions growing on it Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop A tip of the hat to you sir, I should spout! What a riveting thesis I shan't live without! If you'll kindly excuse me, I'll pull up my slacks And imagine no chasm betwixt knaves and jacks! Delivered again, sweet ice cream in the middle A jumble of flavors, a spliced team color riddle I'm a head-freeze dichotomy, a mixed-race lobotomy Gazing at stars while they spar every part of me Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Chronic electronics Tulsi out the tropics I's in the Cauc'us Mountains and working on my phonics Atlas shrugs and burst the supersonic nhl Shadows on the wall Plato's bees in your bonnet Do ghosts ride thinner than middle? Ostensibly a riddle of complex complexion affinity But really mere proclivity for sun proximity Vicinity of moon signals tidal paradiddle Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop Never gonna stop