No one knows my wish, even he who had trusted me. It is useless to talk now. So, I'm very cowardice man. (Ah-) A long time ago, I said so. It is meaningless for me That I change the world by music or I change the ideology. Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything. But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now. A long time ago, I said so. It is meaningless for me That I change the world by music or I change the ideology. Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything.But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now. For example, the liar who lost a voice. In spite of losing an important voice, He was relieved that it didn't need to tell a lie any more. "I am born to meet you.""I am born to protect you." I wanted to sing such a song certainly from former times. Now, I stand here and sing alone. So, I could't have everything. But I'm satisfied now. I found the way to you. By, this melody is better than others. I will run away to your place from now.