You freeze the knees of a spider crawling backwards Take the fat from the back of a hog Catch an alligator, cut off its toenails Throw in the eye of a dog Add a tablespoon of cider, baby Then you mix it till its fine And when you got it finished, baby Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine, Your Frankenstein Child, it's gonna make you lose your mind When your eyes get red and puffy Your skin starts peeling too You wake up in jail with lice in your hair Lord what did you do You been drinking Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine, your porcupine It's gonna make you lose your mind You take the left eye from a fly flying backwards Soak it in the scales from a snake Stir with the toes from a rat tail monkey Set your oven on bake Wrap up a hair from a local square Two toothpicks for a of twine Friend you ain't never drank nothing now Till you tasted Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine Monkey David Wine, your porcupine It's gonna make you mine now