触れてみたい 嗅いでみたい 君の空気 and heart is make high time 身体の芯まで 燃やしてみたい 時が止まって Be stoned It's so cool Everything is green 風を掴める もっと高い所にいたい Silverのかおり 頭が冴える 鮮やかな色で塗り潰す 塗り潰す 塗り潰す I'm so cool He's so cool She's so cool We cool And you? I'm so cool He's so cool She's so cool We cool And you? 赤い光の 溢れる部屋で Happy brothers get together with M.R. Grindしたら 心たかぶる Please Let me stand next your fire, Jimi 吐息が響く 目線を交わす こぼれるSmile A-ha-ha-ha いつも以上に 繋がり合える Oh, Let me go great kingdom throne Kingdom throne, kingdom throne I'm so cool He's so cool She's so cool We cool And you? I'm so cool He's so cool She's so cool We cool And you?