There was a girl from the middle of nowhere Utterly plain, a little plump She sang alone in her bedroom Wild acclaim from those four walls But she didn't want to be there She didn't want to be there She didn't want to be there At all She had the voice of a goddess Strings winds and horns inside her chest Hour after hour she would struggle Till her voice became her royal realm She wanted just to be there Only wanting to leave there Really wanted to leave there Forever more She headed west, the wild direction No longer plain, no longer plump The men are on her doorstep Many men are on her doorstep Her voice had brought her beauty And set her free But she never listened to those men Who came and whispered You're a flame to me A flame to me A flame to me A flame to me She was a queen, did meet a king Who'd put her brand new palace In jeopardy In jeopardy In jeopardy A queen should never be a moth to a flame I have a wonderful gift and a beautiful child People adore me and I adore this man but Something's wrong