Habitual behavior With no foreseeable end Pot in the pocket Given by a friend Prohibited substance In different states While crossing boundaries Police lay in wait Decriminalization And just a fine to pay Money making machine Works all day Nabbed in Nebraska Misdemeanor serves no time Nabbed in Nebraska Smoking weed ain't no crime Thousands of patrons And dollars to be made A vicious game of cat and mouse Authorities have played Nabbed in Nebraska Misdemeanor serves no time Nabbed in Nebraska Smoking weed ain't no crime Drug dogs and searches At roadside stops A team of professional Drug busting cops Less than an ounce And more than a gram Seized and cofiscated It's all a sham Decriminalization And just a fine to pay Money making machine Works all day Nabbed in Nebraska Misdemeanor serves no time Nabbed in Nebraska Smoking weed ain't no crime Nabbed in Nebraska Nabbed in Nebraska