Breaking hearts in Halifax County, The three fine daughters of farmer Brown Turning heads of the boys in the schoolyard Catching whistles from the men downtown No one knows why they went rowin', The three fine daughters of farmer Brown, They didn't know that the rocks on the river'd be The 'Three Sisters' island, where they'd all drown Widower Brown had a girl named Nellie She was the oldest and toughest of three She would take her daddy's well-sharpened sickle And carve "kill men" in the sycamore tree The men came a courtin' but she'd keep her distance Never cracked a smile, just played it coy Some say she's as tender as a petal She'd act tough 'cause her daddy wanted a boy Old man brown had a girl named Dottie The middle button and the most vain of the three She'd take her daddy's fat leather boot strap And whip anyone who'd call her 'Dorothy' The men would fawn her and she would repay 'em And peck 'em where they'd find it safe to kiss Like the barn or the porch or the upstairs parlor Anywhere that'd keep 'em from her father's fist Farmer Brown had a girl named Becca She was the youngest and most reverent of all She would take her daddy's King James Bible And go study Scripture at the brethren hall The men would avoid her 'cuz she would condemn them For cussing and drinking and chasing the Browns She'd say "Repent and join God forever! The pleasure of sin's not as good as it sounds." One day the three with nothing in common Spied upon an abandoned row boat Maybe their sense of adventure had pushed The three young girls to set the ship afloat They didn't know the strength of the river The merciless current that pulled them down Maybe it was due to the weight of their denim But the three girls' bodies were never found Some may recall the singing of the sirens Luring in the sailors to wreck and drown Some say they still hear the fightin' And the flirtin' And the preachin' Of the daughters of farmer Brown