Some nights you hate me, I hate you And push then comes to shove Some nights you hate me, I hate you But in the morning we are back in love This last night sport of serve and retort Is another little game that doesn't need to be fought And when the words have come out And all has been said The loser gets the sofa And the winner the bed It's like waking up from a car crash And trying to figure out what caused the smash A good night out before We unlock the front door Some nights you hate me, I hate you And push then comes to shove Some nights you hate me, I hate you But in the morning we are back in love In the cold light of the next day With heavy heads we can replay Our hand in hand dive into drink That twisted minds and made you think That we were on opposite sides Please believe me, I've got nothing to hide Some nights you hate me, I hate you And push then comes to shove Some nights you hate me, I hate you But in the morning we are back in love This has happened a few times before But tonight's the first night where I'm not sure If your love will be as strong Because I know I've done you wrong This has happened a few times before But tonight's the first night where I'm not sure If your love will be as strong Because I know I've done you wrong Some nights you hate me, I hate you And push then comes to shove Some nights you hate me, I hate you But in the morning we are back in love Some nights you hate me, I hate you And push then comes to shove Some nights you hate me, I hate you But in the morning we are back in love