Steady now Easy as it goes No sense in losin your head Steady now The police aRe Around So keep those haNnds out of your pockets EveryboDy's going crazy U can see It in their faceS Im Here 2 have a good time Im here 2 have a good time Kick it Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-pakistani man says Can U give it up Can u Give it up Can u givE it up 4 me CAn u give it up 4 me CaN u give it up 4 me and my Can u give it up 4 me and my Me anD my Me and my Me and my boyS Pakistani man says Chchchchill it Out Easy as it Goes No sense in lOsin Our heaDs Take a breath SecurIty's around And u kNow how those guys get So lets see those hands Throw them in the air We're all here 2 have a good time Look at that smile on my face I say Im here 2 have a good time Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-pakistani man says Can u give it up Can u give it up Can u give it up 4 me Can u give it up 4 me Can u give it up 4 me and my Can u give it up 4 me and my Me and my Me and my Me and my Brudahs Pakistani man says Chchchchill it out Easy my braddahs No sensE in losin your heads Check it out the "hawaiian style" No sense in losin your heaDs Lets take those hands Throw them in the air Im here 2 have a good time Look at that smile on my face I say Im here 2 have a good time Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-indian man says Mmmmm-pakistani man says Can u give it up Can u give it up Can u give it up 4 me Can u give it up 4 me Can u give it up 4 me and my Can u give it up 4 me and my Me and my Me and my Me and my boys Pakistani man says Pakistani man says Pakistani man says