See you Down by the beach head Not the type To be easily defeated What's up? Are you looking for trouble? Don't say I'm too big to love you Why is she here Is she lookin' for the gemstones? She's lurkin' a lil' near to my nest though I just wanna sweep her up In my claw and I don't know Give'er a cordial invite Into my bubble zone Drag her to the ocean let her be my pony sea wife Aqua-pillow-talk with her and get to see what she likes Teach her how to swim right Enchant her with the sea life Meet her to my sea friends Socialize her bee-hive Crustaceous kisses Show her all the oceans riches Grant her wishes Give her all my ruby fishes Take her home And never make her do my dishes Observe and encourage her as she sews her stitches Introduce her to everyone as my missus Get all up in her little magic pony britches Never stop loving her with Crab Jesus as my witness I'm sorry if you think I'm getting up in your business You can smash my carapace I don't flipper give a ship Snap my eye stalks off My life was swimming worthless right until you came along You can smash my carapace I don't flipper give a ship Snap my eye stalks off My life was swimming worthless right until you came along