Do you dare watch what a man can do to another man? "Death, be not proud." But what you've done through the ghettos, the gas, the gun, it's clever, stole the breath of the whole crowd. "A date which will live in infamy." "We shall fight in the air, the street, the sea." Hate buries itself among the bodies and debris. Straight into the hearts of the bound and the free. I want black. I want white. But all I get is gray. Where is the balance between justice and grace? No Man's Land. A young boy takes night watch. Sees brutal and brave acts firsthand. And a body count one can't comprehend. My mind can't stomach what my heart knows is true. It's yours to avenge, So where are you God as this happens again and again? It's No Man's Land cause war is hell on earth. Hate becomes an Old Friend. Rage a knot in the barrel of the gun. It's No Man's Land cause war is hell on earth. My heart can't stomach what my mind knows is true. An eye for an eye will never fix a feud. The open grave takes another loved one. "How shalt thou hope for mercy rendering none?" Desperate times call for desperate measures. No peace without forgiveness. But desperate men seek never-ending revenge cause forgiveness is never fair. And all the while, death smiles on.