Feel like a leech to everyone around me Unsure and false promises I make I invade your existence with my dependence And leave you guilt tripped until you take Care of me, for if not I will surely die I don't feed or clean myself and I am always high Putting pipe dreams before the necessities in life Without your help I have no hope to survive Now I know that sounds pathetic That's because that's what I am So open about my flaws But it's all part of my plan For if I can recognize my flaws You'll assume I'm trying to change But I am lazy and disheartened And I know I will remain the same Taking all you can give me trying to live in excess You know you'll make my life much easier, I'll make your life a mess Squirm away stupid leech boy go and die now in the drain You speak only of your sadness but are yet to feel true pain As I get older I also worsen I used to be a better person Growing into a constant burden Introducing man child ♪ I am scared I'll lose my job because I always go in stoned If I do will you feed me, take me in, and hear me moan If you don't, I'm on your conscience and will surely die alone Invite me in to regret it as I take over your home Oh so useless and demanding no I will not help out with chores I'll bring no money or conversation. Unmotivated and bored Staring blankly into space absorbing all you have worked for I will disappoint those who think I can do more I warn you now to avoid me I may not bite the hand that feeds But I will wrap my lips around it And I will suck off all the meat You'll be left feeling used once you find out I'm a leech I've taken all you can give and now I will up and leave No shame or dignity left in me as I scout out brand new friends To invade with my dependence and let it start again As I get older I also worsen I used to be a better person Growing into a constant burden Introducing man child