In her little tent a Russian fortune Teller reads your character and reads it true She can tell you all your past and present And the kids you're having in the future too It's all right-ski sitting in the dark-ski there She's so nice-ski what'll happen you don't care For a bob-ski she'll tell you, lots of things you never knew Madam Moscovitch, the Moscow witch, the Russian gypsy queen If you drop-ski half a crown, then she'll let the curtain down Madam Moscovitch, the Moscow witch, the Russian gypsy queen She talks in Russian when she reads your hand You can't understand, you wonder what she mean-ski I f you pay a quid then she, will unfold her mystery And you'll see much more than you Did before of the Russian gypsy queen Who gives you vodka strong, till your fortune all goes wrong Madam Moscovitch, the Moscow witch, the Russian gypsy queen Who make-ski love-ski grand, it's as well she holds your hand Madam Moscovitch, the Moscow witch, the Russian gypsy queen When Count Popinski popped in there one day, he felt rather gay But she said "Now you popout-ski. " In her little tent, a jolly sailor went But he made a slip and he missed His ship thro' the Russian gypsy queen Yo ho heave ho, Yo ho heave hoMadam Moscovitch, The Moscow witch, the Russian gypsy queen