Smack dab in the middle of sin The whole world's in trouble again. You feed a wicked heart and you kill a decent man; Jesus Christ, JFK, Martin Luther, Amen Jesus Christ, John Lennon, Matthew Sheppard, Amen Hold your head high Keep a smile upon your face. You'll be gone before you know it. Hold your shoulders square upon your back. Turn your face into the sun . You can complain if you want, But keep in mind all the things that you've got. You feed a wicked mind and you make a wicked heart Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Elvis Presley, Amen Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Elvis Presley, Amen. Hold your head high Keep a smile upon your face. You'll be gone before you know it. Hold your shoulders square upon your back. Turn your face into the sun . Hold your head high Keep a smile upon your face. You'll be gone before you know it. Hold your shoulders square upon your back. Turn your face into the sun . Hold your head high Keep a smile upon your face. You'll be gone before you know it. Hold your shoulders square upon your back. Turn your face into the sun .