If you've got money in your pocket give a bit to everybody, and with your love give it all away. ' Cause money just means trouble to you, it leads your mind into confusion. The tramp who tries to sing you sky tunes needs your money more than you do. Throw him some before you pass him by. Throw him smiles, and throw him laughter. Maybe that is what he's after. Yes, if you've got money in your pocket give a bit to everybody, and with your love give it all away. ' Cause money just means trouble to you, it leads your mind into confusion. You may feel safer when you save some, but you'd feel better if you gave some. Do it now, tomorrow never comes. If love and money could be shared there'd be no time for fear and hatred. Yes, if you've got money in your pocket give a bit to everybody, and with your love give it all away. ' Cause money just means trouble to you, it leads your mind into confusion.