My container is full of files That plug in with three silver wires An out of date IO the machine is junk My time capsule won't tell me much Aluminum towers lookin egg shell blank No Vegas glitter no human stank I giant egg carton shoved under the ground And I'm a mile from a mile from a mile away From Party Away From Party Well I got my prints clipped Two eyes replaced A 7 digit number Stamped in my face I'm feeling so high I'll ride it till I kill the whale Kill the whale My ship blowing by I'll rage until I kill the whale My T assistant is coughing mildly She thinks that's how we greeted in my day She pulls me around but won't show me a Party Party PARTY I'm a weary traveler get your hands off me Let me think of something get your hands off me Let me catch my breath well yeah you're poking now You're poking at me where's my party where's my party Taking ten injections for the atrophy Well I'm quite allergic to the new vaccines I'm feeling so high I'll ride it till I kill the whale Kill the whale My ship blowing by I'll rage until I kill the whale I want to party I want to party I want to party I want to party I want to take a call in America I want to take a shower at a small motel I want to unwrap a variety pack of My Frosted Flakes and my Sugar Smacks I want drop my change in a sewer vent I want to see Judge Judy sitting there on the bench I want to tell a story 'bout my old friends But I can't make sense no I can't make sense of it