Brother Joe! Punky Mohicano! Brother Joe! Punky Sciamano! Brother Joe! Where are you now? Brother Joe! Please, rock this town! Ehi... e adesso uomo, i miei vent'anni andati in fumo, Sister rage and mother joy... si... Ma adesso ognuno per i cazzi suoi... from hero to zero! Per i cazzi suoi! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE B-SIDE! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE SUN! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING IN THE CITY! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKIN' TO YOU! Brother Joe! Punky Mohicano! Brother Joe! Punky Sciamano! Brother Joe! Where are you now? Brother Joe! Please, rock this town! E l'ultimo chiuda la porta.Siamo fantasmi di carne adulta. Ehi... dove sei Joe? On the road to rock'n'roll... to rock'n'roll! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE B-SIDE! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE SUN! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING IN THE CITY! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKIN' TO YOU! Brother Joe! Punky Mohicano! Brother Joe! Tropical gin... Brother Joe! For the Punky King Sull'asfalto di vinile... nessuno ha più il tuo stile... Wake up! Here I am! For the King is playing the band! La strada stamattina brilla d'oro finito e urina... Wake up! Here I am! For the King is playing the band! Tra pinte e sigarette, pettorale '77... Wake up! Wake up! A little song to you... WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE B-SIDE! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING ON THE SUN! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKING IN THE CITY! WALKER IN THE MORNING... WALKIN' TO YOU! (Wake up! Here I am! For the King is playing the band!) (Brother Joe)