Do You Know Me Phat: 想知道我哋點解popular 就等我話你知 廿四喺乜嚟架 由06年開始到到依家 Arrr廿四味玩最地道嘻哈 證據確鑿 香港Hip Hop唔只一隊農夫 佢哋咁紅要多得志雲大師照顧 我硬頸唔認命 唔肯睇佢哋台戲 (喂衰仔 米缸就嚟無米喇阿肥) 牛皮燈籠點極唔明俗稱一條懵炳 我上youtube睇張如城都唔肯試聽傅穎 上飯局 食焗飯 呃老板話唔得閒 實情係約咗馬士達米歐陽靖同埋生番 一齊痴餐吳彥祖爭住幫我地埋單 REVOLUTION風雨同路同渡每一個難關 狂人一號唔扮深奧用呢個速度繼續flow 越rap越燥呢一種態度我唔想let it go 一係唔做一做就係要做到最好 一係唔玩一玩梗係要坃到最pro 從來冇諗過喺音樂身上面攞著數 音樂為我帶嚟嘅快樂係用錢買唔到 你照做 我照做 大家行自己條路 Hip Hop帶領我遊遍世界每一個國度 從east side直落dirty south 南京到北投都有戰友係我前後左右 你一係埋嚟隻揪 一係就做我老友 一切既決定都喺你手呀朋友 我用音樂向你攻擊 對你咄咄進逼 駛出Hip Hop招式 不嬲都所向無敵 Ghost Style: We right up here in God We Trust We big this year like D size cups I see supply and demand and link them up We keep you on your feet like kids with guns We in love with the process The Music That keep you in the mood man To lose it We got 2 words that's 'do it' Classic rap tracks is my influence People in the crowd they do it like us Put your finger in the air ain't givin' a People in the crowd they do it like us Put your finger in the air ain't givin' a We know U You know Me GeeStyles on the mic Feelin' the buzz Deliver angry on the beat Cause we got Mad Love Kit: 要你知道我哋就係叫做廿四 我哋唔會放棄 你嘅冷嘲我當係放屁 講到香港hip hop就會講到我哋 你唔抵得只可以埋怨自己唔爭氣 講respect我一直尊重別人 你越踩我哋呢班人越行 你小心你喺度引火自焚 從今以後打救你係我哋責任 我叫KIT do you know me 你仲未知等我再講大聲d 踏著拍子利用手中呢支MIC 要你班Hater收聲請你慳d 我想點唔洗你講我自己有分數 有太多人講一套做著另一套 我知道你無料到又唔夠膽去表露 我哋廿四味堅持自己一貫態度 Drunk: We destroying the past, Yo bringing it fast!! The future the development!! The market to the masses!! 24Herbs of mice and men yeah, We're just a collective, a cartel to the end!! Snake eyes like rolling the dice You take a chance. big city. bright lights! Be water my friend, do you know me? Worldwide tribe, blessed and peace! Ghost Style: I'm an alien, check out the bloodline Rappers wanna step, step on me I'm a Landmine I blast minds to particles Got you like a bomb vest Use hit men skill sets I'm the mind terrorist Call the Exorcist, cause I'm possessed by the Ghost And you can't do sht Oh To the most Suicidal MC on the MIC 24Herbs Yo Do You Know Me We are 24 We are 24 We are 24 We are 24 We are 24 We are 24 We are 24 24Herbs Ghost Style: People in the crowd they do it like us Put your finger in the air ain't givin' a