I could barely touch, I wasn't brave enough You know I didn't know much but something's on its way to wreck the bunch Forgetting who he was, forgetting who I was Moving to the lakeside, trust that everyday we rise you'll be with us We found an old pontoon in a clear view It was my way out but I never found out how to make it move Forgetting who she was, forgetting who I was Moving to the ocean, trust that she is coming back to rise with us We took a ride that night, my father drived We were looking for life and better times There was a fire At the corer of Coming and Bogard Get down to the wire Little baby is finding cover in the car Brother fire please be kind God made you strong and beautiful and bright Raise the dirt, little structures we try I'm older now I don't want to live here anymore The chimneys are blocked off and I was counting on your world Slowing up before we rise, I'll hold onto the light There was a fire At the corer of Coming and Bogard Get down to the wire Little baby is finding cover in his heart There was a fire At the corer of Coming and Bogard Get down to the wire Only lovers find each other in the dark