You see, the death You see a lotta destruction You see a lot of villages being burned and you know people are being killed And... you shoot in bushes and you hear screams and you know that people have been hit But to see someone get hit with a high-velocity steel-jacket round - designed by people, to kill other people, is the most degrading experience a human being can udnergo There is no more obscene way to die than to be shot to death in a war The Vietnam war The Vietnam war When the caps start flying, you get confused I wasn't really sure what was goin' on The Vietnam war In 1965, Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war, but it wasn't It was different in many ways and so where those who did the fighting In World War Two, the average age of the combat soldier was 26 In Vietnam, it was 19 According to a Veteran's Administration study, half of the Vietnam combat veterans suffer from what psychiatrists call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Many vets complain of alienation, rage, or guilt Some succumb to suicidal thoughts Eight to ten years after coming home, almost 800,000 men are still fighting the Vietnam War Rage The Vietnam war The Vietnam war These were the baddest dudes I ever saw in my life These guys were certified bad During World War Two, the Sixth Marine Regiment served four years in the Pacific but only engaged the enemy for about six weeks In Vietnam, the combat soldier typically served a 12-month tour of duty but was exposed to hostile fire almost every day When the caps start flying I wasn't really sure what was goin' on The Vietnam war You're 18 years old and you're wearin' somebody's brains around on your shirt because they got their head blown off right next to you And that's not supposed to affect you God, what happened to those guys over there? Gee, I saw them marching around the parade ground and they all looked so nice and clean cut and they all had smiles And then you come back and you're not smiling anymore We did what we had to do and people wanted us to be ashamed of what it made us The Vietnam war And you're not smiling anymore Some succumb to suicidal thoughts Why? What did we do it for? What was our reason? WAs it worth it? WAs it worth you going, risking your life out there, putting your life on the line like this Was it worth me going out there, getting shot at, getting wounded, trying to save another man's life There was no reason You see, I wish I could see it Why?