Awakened by the wailing of glacial winter winds, I arise from the hailstone to the majestic sight of brooding sunless skies. How many moons have passed while I slumbered deep within these halls? For all that once was is now but ruin and ice It's so cold Echoing out across the infinite tundra, my screams remain unanswered For everyone I have ever known and loved are gone forever Yet I hear them still, weeping beneath oceans of ice And I mourn them still, yearning to find peace among them Am I to linger in these realms until the stars wither and fade? Must I live to grieve for all of those I have left behind? And thus I walked the earth for untold aeons, in search of life through vestigial ruin But with each and every step that I took in the cold wastes, my grieving soul only grew weary Then I saw time devour the stars, and watched as the frozen rivers of the Juurn would reflect their light no more And I saw to the east a black sun rise over the bronze hills, and upon the sight of this fearful vision, I knelt in the snow and drew my sword into the ice Over the mountainside lies the end of my quest, I'm calling to the night sky Gone with the wind, my words are fading Take my sword and open thy gates Take my shield and grant me everlasting respite