Daily fluoride showers Consuming digested doses All this chemical does is Calcify your glands Solidifying our connected bodies Concrete arteries Protect your third eye In the middle of your brain Lies the connecting links to Higher level spiritual realms Developing telepathy Supernatural human powers Organ of higher vision Your third eye It controls Biorhythms When your Pineal awakens You will Feel a pressure At the base Of your brain Have no fear It's gonna be the ride of your life Relieve yourself from all your pain Meditation always will provide The way Remember Your mind Is always the key When we intoxicate ourselves by our own ignorance of what is truly happening to us The horrid medical cult is laughing all the way to the greedy Bank with your life in their low vibrational frequency hands It is time to get off of your knees To stand up for what is right and rise up Not against But beyond the wrong that is being placed upon us Get back at them bastards ten fold now Focus on your breathe just like you know how Accept your emotions without judgment Replace your craving with subsiding knowledge Now Let go It's time Yet another astral ride A ride that will make you Surpass your current concrete mind