I know the pain Of prayers that Go unanswered And I wrestled With what's Practical And when I must have faith But greater is The one who lives In me, so I'll Stand on the Promises he's made So I'll be brave, I'll be strong, sharing the gospel until the whole world knows that Jesus lives and he still saves, and he'll fight the battle for us any day, be brave Now victory for the battles won't come easy, so put on your armor valiant soldier praying all the time, some days it may seem easy to surrender, but you'll never win if you give up the fight So be brave, be strong, sharing the gospel until the whole world knows that Jesus lives and he still saves, and he'll fight the battle for us any day So be brave, be strong, sharing the gospel until the whole world knows that Jesus lives and he still saves, and he'll fight the battle for us any day, be brave Be brave